24 April 2015


Today I’d like to put focus on a selection of organic teas, which has been developed to assist pregnant women, and those with new babies, there are teas to help target morning sickness, digestive issues, pelvic support for birth, breastfeeding and assisting upset babies. I have always been a big coffee drinker, but being pregnant, I have completely cut out coffee, and instead reaching for various teas, so I was excited with the opportunity to trial these special Pregnancy teas. Here are my thoughts on the Digestive Tea and the Raspberry Leaf Tea from Mama Body Tea;

How cute is my little Flower Pot Tea Infuser..

What They Say:

Digestive Tea: Bloating? Indigestion? Discomfort? These are typical pregnancy complaints… Ease uninvited digestive discomfort and find relief with mama’s aromatic Digestion Tea goodness.

Raspberry Leaf Tea: We recommend drinking Mamas specially formulated Raspberry Leaf blend regularly throughout your third trimester of pregnancy. Traditional used to strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus to minimise the duration of labour, and recovery of the uterus after birth. Mama Body Tea Raspberry leaf blend contains a rich source of iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium, vitamins B1, B3 and E which supports your health during this physical challenging time.

RRP: 14.95/each – Available from Mama Body Tea

What I Say:

First up is the Digestive Tea. If you’ve been pregnant, you’d know how uncomfortable the inevitable bloating and constipation can be. Personally I’ve found that being healthy, drinking sufficient water, and eating plenty of fruit is a great help, but sometimes just not quite enough. The Digestive Tea contains among others Peppermint leaf, Ginger root, Fennel seed, Rosehips and Marshmallow root.

The tea is best infused for about 7-10 minutes, and can be drunk both after meal as well as anytime during the day (or night), and no need to worry about it keeping you awake as it contains absolutely no caffeine!

I’ve always been a huge fan of peppermint tea, so I naturally love the taste of this tea, with the dominant flavour being peppermint. I am not personally a big fan of the ginger taste, but luckily it is not very strong.

In terms of effectiveness, it is always hard to tell, as symptoms come and go, probably depending on what you’ve had to eat the previous day too. However, I do believe that it has definitely not matters any worse. 

The Raspberry Leaf Tea has been developed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus to minimise the duration of labour, as well as help recovery of the uterus after birth. It is recommended to drink the tea regularly throughout the third trimester of the pregnancy, and it is recommended to avoid the tea during the first trimester.

The Raspberry leaf contains, apart from naturally Raspberry Leaf, also Peppermint and Nettle leaf, and yet again, I love that I can detect the taster of peppermint.

The tea needs to infuse in hot water for 10-15 minutes, and it is recommended that you drink 1-2 cups a day from the start of your first trimester, and increase to 3 cups per day in the last month of pregnancy.

As well as minimise duration of labour, the tea also promises to help nourish the uterine muscles, assist in strengthening the pelvic floor, calm cramping of the uterus, help stop excessive bleeding after birth, help soothe and prevent bleeding gums, promote milk supply and relieve sore throats, cold, flu, and diarrhoea. Wow, that sounds impressive!

At about 35 weeks pregnant at the time of writing this, I obviously cannot vouch for any of these claims. But I do know that the length of the labour when I gave birth to our little boy almost two years ago was very long, so any improvement this time around will be very welcome. I am aware that second time mums generally do give birth a lot quicker the second time around, so again, it will be difficult to actually measure the effects.

But what I can say is that I do enjoy drinking this tea – and even more so now that the weather is getting colder – and if there is just the slightest chance that I will have a shorter labour, then it is all worth it. Oh, and when I forget to drink it while it’s hot, I just drink it cold, which is pretty nice too. The flavour is ok, (I always drink my tea black with no sugar) although I do definitely prefer the taste of the Digestive tea.

Also available from the Mama Body Tea Range is a Morning Sickness Tea (Oh how I wish I’d heard of that one when I was constantly sick during the first trimester!!), a Nursing Tea to help increase breast milk supply and quality as well as a Baby Bliss Tea to help relax restless babies.
NOTE - Common for both teas, is that they are herbal infusions and not a remedy or drug. Mama Body Tea also recommends consult a healthcare professional before using these products if you are pregnant or lactating and have any concerns.

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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