21 February 2015


I was lucky to be able to breast feed our little boy for a year, but I did start weaning him off the breast milk and onto formula at around 7 months, and gradually replaced one breast feed after the other with formula. I did enjoy the bonding we shared while I was breastfeeding him, (and missed it when we stopped!),but on the other hand, it was also nice to be able to pass on ‘that duty’ to hubby, which was suddenly made possible with formula, as well as it was a lot easier to feed him when we were out and about too. The only downside was however the time it to make the formula. But now Closer to Nature has created the Perfect Prep Machine which makes the perfect baby bottle in no time. Here are my thoughts;

What They Say:

Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine makes a fresh bottle at just the right serving temperature in less than 2 minutes. When baby arrives there's so much to do and to think about, so many things to juggle, so much that's new and challenging. That’s why we’ve created the Perfect Prep Machine. Specially designed to make preparing bottles quicker and more accurate, Perfect Prep gives you the extra peace of mind that comes from knowing your baby's bottle will be perfect every time. Breast milk is best for your new baby, but if you are making the move to formula milk, Perfect Prep is everything.

RRP: $250 - Available from Babies R Us, and Baby Bunting

What I Say:

Making baby formula is not really difficult. It is just cumbersome and time consuming. The water has to be sterilised so if you boil it just as you need it, you need to spend time cooling it down to the right temperature, or if you’ve pre-boiled it, and stored in a sterilised bottle, you then need to heat it up to the correct temperature – all of which takes time – and what can seem like a very long time when you’ve got a screaming baby waiting for a bottle!

But now thanks to the Perfect Prep Machine you can make the prefect bottle in less than two minutes. The machine is literally a one-stop-wonder. It literally does everything. Once you have filled it up with water (much like a coffee dripper!), it filters and sterilises the water, mixes it with the formula, and hereafter heats the milk to the correct temperature suitable for the little baby to enjoy.

The machine is very easy to set up and use, and it comes with an instruction booklet too, with a step-by-step guide that is very easy and clear to follow.

The Prep Machine has an in-built filter system that removes impurities from the water. It starts with a flashing red light and an initial shot of hot boiling water to off any present bacteria. It then beeps and the red light turns solid to indicate that you can add the formula powder into the bottle, screw the lid on the bottle, shake it up, remove the lid again before you place it back under the machine, and push the button again. The Prep Machine then proceeds with flashing a green light and dispense water at room temperature, so the final temperature of the milk formula will be at just the right temperature for the baby. Once it is finished, the green light will turn solid to show the milk is ready.

Just to be safe, you will of course need to check the temperature of the formula on your wrist before giving it to your baby, as you would before giving any hot food to your baby!

The Perfect Prep Machine has a dial that allows to select the accurate amount of water needed ranging from 120mls to 330mls, to make consistent and perfect milk formula. And as the range is so large, it is perfect for use from newborns and up to toddlers still on formula.

The Perfect Prep Machine has several brilliant in-built functions including a self-clean function, which simply asks you to re-fill it with water when required.

It also has warning lights for when the filter needs to be changed, when the water tank is hot, the water level is low, when the machine needs to be de-scaled, and when it is cleaning.

I love that the platform for the bottle is can be changed to it is suitable for use with a variety of different baby bottles. Even non-Closer to Nature bottles, if you prefer!

At $250 this is not a cheap machine, but I love that it is so easy and basically fool proof to use – even when you get up in the middle of the night, and you are still half-asleep. And if you use the machine from your baby is newborn and for as long as they are on formula, it is at least for a year until cows milk can be introduced at the age of 1 year, or possibly even longer, so you will get plenty of use out of it, hence justifying the cost.

Closer to nature® is the number one baby feeding accessories brand in the UK and one of the top brands of infant products and accessories in the global market. Loved by parents and little ones, closer to nature® receives numerous awards and accolades year after year globally. The closer to nature® range is available at stockists nationwide, for more information please visit the Closer to Nature Website or Closer to Nature on Facebook

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.
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