28 October 2014


It has been quite a while since I have had my dear hubby guest posting on my blog, and he has had his review due for me for quite some time. Way too long actually, but between moving house and him starting a new job too, I guess he has had a pretty good excuse! Anyway, here are his thoughts; 

What They Say:

 Men Expert Vita Lift Revitalising Foam: Loss of firmness? Help fight the signs of ageing with Men Expert Vita Lift. With age, skin becomes dry. Using soap to cleanse daily can make your skin feel tight and uncomfortable... take action with Vita Lift. RRP: $8.50 (150ml)

Men Expert Shaving Hydra Sensitive Shaving Gel: The L'Oréal laboratories put all their skincare expertise in this anti-irritation skin caring shaving foam, to make shaving less of a challenge and more of a pleasure. RRP: $6.95 (200ml)

Men Expert Vita Lift 5 Daily Moisturiser: With time and excess fatigue, your skin loses its vitality; signs of ageing start to appear...Take action! This complete anti-ageing Daily Moisturiser is enriched with Pro-Retinol to help fight the signs of ageing with 5 actions in 1 step. RRP: $19.45 (50ml)

 - Available from Priceline


What He Says:

I was asked by my lovely wife if I would try another couple of products for her, I again thought here we go I am a guinea pig for something. The best part was she gave me the L’Oreal Men Expert products which I am more than familiar with.

I will admit I do try to look after my skin but with the demands of the morning rush I do not always do everything that I probably should, I will shave and for me washing my face is normally something that happens in the shower not a morning ritual like some, I try to catch up on these duties on the weekend.

So this morning I went about giving my face a good wash using the Revitalising Foam, this was a new product for me and I was pleased with how it felt on the skin, it was refreshing and being a man that unfortunately has a few blackheads and other blemishes on my face I feel long term use of this would help eliminate these for me, so maybe I will have to find myself the extra couple of minutes in the morning and change my ritual. The foam goes on easily and rubs in well without any real fragrance to irritate a sensitive nose. I felt it washed off easily and my face did feel clean with no greasy after effects.

The Shaving Gel is great and I really like using it. I have to admit I prefer a gel over cream and this one spreads well and lathers up nicely and I definitely feel it helps the razor blades glide over the face. I tend to like a shaving gel that spreads easily and has enough hold to stay on my face and fall either on me or into the sink. It has a light fragrance which I find a fresh smell and one that does not want to fight against any aftershave I use.

The third part of the pack was the Vita Lift 5 which is an Anti-Ageing Action and is supposedly to assist with Wrinkles, Dryness, Sagging, Puffiness and Dullness. I have used this for the past three or so years now off and on and I love it, I really like the bottle it comes in as the does you get from a simple push on the top seems to be just right per application.

I have also tried to cut one of these open at one stage (with great difficulty) when empty thinking there will be plenty left over and to my surprise there was nothing, the bottle is so well designed it empties completely. Seeing I am nearing the large round birthday I have quite a few wrinkles and I would have to say they have not gone from using the Vita Lift, maybe they have slowed along with the sagging, puffiness and dullness, I honestly cannot say I feel this has been a huge benefit, but when we talk dryness I would have to say this is the best cream I have ever used. It covers well, it is non greasy and certainly leaves my face feeling refreshed and with no sign of a dry bit of skin. The Vita Lift is certainly a moisturizer I always keep in the shaving cabinet and especially when I travel for work and have to put up with the air-conditioned environments that suck the moisture from my face. 

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy. 

So there you go, my hubby’s unedited words on the L’Oreal Men Expert Vita Lift range.

Does your hubby care for his skin? Does he use his own products? Or maybe pinch yours..?

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1 comment

  1. My boyfriend is kinda obsessed with this whole range!!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr


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