11 August 2014


My skin has always been playing up. Ever since I was a young teenager, but luckily over the years I’ve managed to find good skincare products and keep a routine that has kept major breakouts to minimum – although it still happens from time to time, caused no doubt by stress, periods of a poor diet and hormonal changes. So when I was asked to trial the Aspect Dr Problem Skin Serum* at a time when my skin was having one of those moments, I excitedly accepted. And as I was pregnant, and very concerned with what I was not only eating but also the products I was using (you may remember my long journey to getting pregnant, if not you can read all about it here!), I checked with the company who confirmed that the serum was still safe for me to use. Yet when it arrived, as most other blemish products are absolutely off limits when you are pregnant, I chickened out! Big time.
And did nothing but look at the product for weeks. And for some reason my skin cleared up too, and was clearer than it had ever been, so I suddenly didn’t really need this serum after all.
My little boy was then born, and my skin remained in fairly good condition, but as the months went on, more and more breakouts started popping up again, and as I stopped breastfeeding recently my hormone levels no doubt went into a head spin again, and my skin went bonkers. Luckily I remembered that I still had the Aspect Dr Problem Skin Serum, so I dug it out, and here are my thoughts, finally…

What They Say:

This face saving serum contains a unique variety of stabilised vitamin C, plus a trio of Amazonian herbal extracts that are clinically proven to dramatically improve the look and feel of excessively oily and impure skin without the trauma associated with mass market oily skin formulas. Ideal For: Impure Skin, Oily, congested Skin.

RRP: $118.80 (30ml) – Available from select tockists - call 1800 648 851 to enquire

What I Say:

What I really like about the Aspect Dr products is that they are Australian made and owned – and believe it or not, the company’s HQ based just around the corner, in the same suburb as our house we sold earlier this year! Can get any more local than that! And secondly that all the products are cosmeceuticals using certified organic ingredients where possible, and without all the chemical nasties including parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate, propylene glycol, petrochemicals, artificial colours and synthetic fragrances.

According to Wikipedia, cosmeceuticals are ‘cosmetic products with biologically active ingredients purporting to have medical or drug-like benefits’, with the clam that the ingredients used have benefits beyond the traditional moisturisers, as the ingredients are simply of a higher grade.

And as soon as I tried the Problem Skin Serum I was in love. Not only does it have the most amazing fresh citrus scent, which happens to be my favourite scent, but the yellowish light serum is so concentrated that you only need a little. It absorbs instantly into the skin, leaving it velvety soft and smooth. And while it normalises oily skin, it is still so gentle that it can be used both morning and night if needed, all without irritating or drying out the skin. And it works perfect under makeup too.

The Problem Skin Serum provided me with some moisture, and as my skin is a little drier than normal during winter, so I did find that I needed to apply a moisturiser on top, but during summer when it is hot and humid and my skin consequently is more oily, I can imagine that the serum would be more than sufficient.

So how did the serum perform? While again it can be used twice daily, I didn’t find that my skin was that oily, so I have only been using it during the day, followed by my usual day cream with SPF. Already after the first day of using it, I could tell the difference. My makeup stayed put nicely all day without looking greasy or shiny, and after using for about a month I am happy to say that that my skin my skin has returned to normal. It is less greasy in the t-zone area which was the main issue, and consequently I have also had less of those nasty huge breakouts. And when I’ve had a pimple, it seems to have cleared up so much faster than it usually would.

The serum comes in a luxe looking silver pump bottle, where the actual pump appears as you twist the top. Very flash! At almost $120 for 30ml, it on the expensive side, but if you like me have tried all possible products under the sun to try to fix your skin problems, and most of those products only end up making your skin red, irritated, and dry, then you simply cannot go past this serum. It is gentle and super-efficient at the same time!

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Which products do you turn to when you skin is playing up?


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