4 June 2014


Today I’d like to share with you my thoughts on the *May edition of the Native Box;

What They Say:
We will send you a different Native box every month with the very best eco-conscious, healthy and safe products to nourish the body, mind and soul. At Native Box we feature Australian brands, big and small, that provide exceptional eco-friendly and sustainable products. We continuously scour the market, making it easier for you to make good shopping decisions that are better for you, your family and our planet…. together with Native Box, these brands help positive change happen!  5-10 products monthly (Full &/or Samples)


1 month: $24.95 (shipping included)
3 months: $69.90 (shipping included)

12 months: $259.20 (shipping included)
– Available from Native Box

What I Say:
In case you are not aware, Native Box is committed to connecting its members with Australian businesses that provide exceptional organic and sustainable products, as they believe that each dollar spent on such products cast for a better world – and they genuinely believe that they can help shift the balance towards a better Australia and safer planet. If you’ve missed my review of the November  2013 Native Box, as well as my review on the Autumn 2014 Native Mum and Bub box 

As per pervious boxes, this month’s Native Box arrived in a recyclable postage box, and these are the goodies that were included;

Orgran Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancake Mix – Full Size

I love pancakes – and it has been ages since I had some buckwheat ones, so this packet is perfect to reintroduce me to it. It is gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, nut free, egg free etc, although I do not have any allergies to any of those, but I also like that it doesn’t contain any added cane sugar.
Available from Orgran
Sukin Hand & Nail Cream – Full Size, 50ml

I love Sukin products, but have not yet tried their hand cream, so I love the inclusion of this one. It contains among others rosehip oil, avocado and jojoba oils to hydrate even dry hands, and I love that it is free from parabens. The box also included a 20% discount off your first online order from Sukin online, which is a great addition too.
Available from Sukin

My Eco Sponge – Full Size, one sponge

This Eco Sponge is a natural sponge made from the root of the Konjac, which is a natural versatile and fibrous structure that is perfect for massaging the skin, stimulating blood circulation and encouraging  new cellular growth. This sponge is gentle enough too, and perfect for use on the face, without or without soap. I love the sound of this, and cannot wait to try it out.
Available from My Eco Sponge
Vitarium Sugar Free Drinking Chocolate – Two Sachets

This drinking chocolate is sugar free, and instead sweetened with Natvia. I am the first to admit that I love a good hot chocolate – especially when out little boy has woken me several times during the night, I find that I need something sweet for the energy mid-afternoon, so I love that this contains less than 10 calories per serve. I cannot wait to try these out! I have high hopes for this one.
Available from Vitarium

Adorn - $15 Gift Voucher


Finally, the box also contained a card with a $15 voucher to use on the Adorn Cosmetics website – I love the Adorn Cosmetics, so I will definitely make sure to check out their product range online.
Available from Adorn Cosmetics
Australian Bush Flower Essence – Sample Sachets; Body Moisturiser, Face Moisturiser, and Cream Cleanser, 3ml each

I have never heard of this brand before, but I love hearing the brand is Australian and the products made in Australia, and that the products are certified organic, and contain organic botanicals, plant butters, and Australian Bush Flower Essences. I can only imagine that these product will smell fantastic, so I cannot wait to try these products.
Alter Eco Foods – Mini Dark Velvet Organic Chocolate – Sample, 20g

I LOVE dark chocolate, my absolute favourite, so I love the sound of this organic dark chocolate with 47% cocoa… and I so wanted to devour it the moment this box arrived, but I had to control myself and wait until I had photographed the photos….and then checked that the photos had turned out ok… and then I could wait no more. And yummy. That was so nice. Just what I needed this afternoon, after yet another nights of broken sleep with a teething baby.
Available from Alter Eco.

Finally, the box also included a pen with the Native Box logo, and made using what appears to be recycled paper. I’ve been meaning to put a pen in my car for quite some time, so now I’ve got the perfect solution!


So there you have it, this was the contents in this months box.

As I’ve mentioned in previous Native Box Reviews, I am again unsure of the RRP of the different products as unfortunately the info sheet doesn’t specify this, so it is difficult to say how the box performs in terms of value for money. However, I think that the box contains a great selection and variety of products, all of which I am very happy with and will look forward to using. I look forward to hubby cooking me pancakes this weekend, and in return I guess I can let him taste one of the chocolate drinks…if I must, LOL! And I am addicted to hand creams, and have tubes of it everywhere, so a new one is also very welcome. And then there’s the sponge, - I do normally clean my face with an electronic brush, but on the days I don’t, I think this will be a great alternative, and I can imagine that it will be perfect to leave in the shower. So overall, I am very happy with this months contents!

*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What do you think of the products in the Native Box? Have you tried any of these products? Do you buy organic products? And eat healthy snacks?


  1. Such a great box! You got great products! ^^

    ❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤

    1. Yep, it was a great, and very varied selection in this month's box..

  2. Looks like a good variety of products in this one and they are getting you ready for the cooler weather with hot chocolate!

    1. With the weather we've had the last couple of days, it has definitely been a nice thing to have in the pantry :-)

  3. hmmmm Ive always been curious about what Native box offers and even though the selection is great, for the price and products I dont think it is for suitable me

    1. That is fair enough - there is something out there for everyone - personally I love getting introduced to more natural products that I would otherwise not come across.


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