30 April 2014

Brand Focus: Burt’s Bees

As a fanatic beauty blogger I love it when I get the opportunity to trial new products, and I get excited and am very appreciative when products arrive at my doorstep, no matter if they are expensive or cheap – I do admit to having loving luxurious products, but in my everyday routine, I use just as many budget products! But every so often a parcel arrives that really takes my breath away, one where a lot of attention and thought have gone into – and last week I received one of the best put together parcels that I’ve received in a very very long time, this one from Burt’s Bees.

What was so amazing about this package was that the products arrived in a replica cardboard house of were Burt’s Bees started. The inside the box was full of detailed information about the products. The box also contained a booklet – well actually a little more than a booklet, as when I opened it, a video about Burt and how the company started, started playing inside the booklet. Amazing! Previously working as a marketing and brand manager, and being used to putting point-of-sale material together, I can only imagine the work, and not to mention cost, that has gone into producing this. I’m impressed.

The package also contained a USB cord, so you could connect the booklet so you computer and watch the video from there – or as I’ve done, put it into this post, so you can enjoy it too..


The box also contained some of Burt’s Bees classic products we well information cards about all the products. But before I start running you through the products, let me first quickly introduce you to Burt’s Bees;


Burt’s Bees was founded almost 30 years ago when a beekeeper was selling honey from the back of his truck, and he decided to use the leftover beeswax from the honey bees to make candles, and since then more products were quickly added to the product range.

All the products from Burt’s Bees are developed with the idea that ‘Nature knows best’ in mind, and consequently the ingredients used are all natural – 100% natural – which means that they of course are free from all the chemical nasties including phthalates, parabens, petrolatum, or SLS.

Now let me get onto the classic Burt’s Bees products which were included in the box:



Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream
I honestly don’t know why I haven’t posted about this cuticle cream before. I have gone through several of these jars. I love it, so no complaints from me now having a backup! It not only has the most amazing zesty lemon scent – my favourite scent, but it is also so effective at keeping your cuticles soft and hence your nails looking nicer. The small tin looks tiny, but it is so concentrated, that it will last you forever. No wonder this product has won so many awards! RRP: $14.95 (17g)

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - Tube and Tin

I have previously declared my love for Burt’s Bees Lip Balm in my Top 5 Favourite Lip Balms, but this tube with Vitamin E and Peppermint is new to me, and I already love it. And the tin is absolutely perfect for keep keeping at the bedside table. Can you believe it, but the tube of lip balm is so popular that a tube is sold every 2 seconds!! RRP: Tube: $7.95 (8.5g), Tube: $6.95 (4.25g)

Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Crème

This foot crème is very thick, and does leave the feet feeling a little sticky, so it is definitely one of those products that are best used at night with a pair of old socks on top.  But it is totally worth it, as the next morning you wake with the softest feet ever. I am not the greatest fan of coconut scented products, but on my feet I can certainly accept it, especially when the results are this good. And the added peppermint has a nice cooling effect so perfect for tired legs too. RRP: $24.95 (123g)


Burt's Bees Hand Salve
This Hand Salve is thick and quite greasy, so it really is perfect for super dry and damaged hands, including after a day in the garden. It contains sweet almond oil, beeswax, vitamins and botanical oils to help deeply nourish the skin. It has a nice herbal scent, which lingers for quite a while, which I like as it is so natural. As it is greasy, it is not ideal for use during the day, but absolutely perfect just before going to bed. RRP: $24.95 (85g)


Burt's Bees Shea Butter Hand Cream
This hand cream is so much lighter than the Hand Salve, so it is better suited for use during the day as it absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave the hands feeling greasy. It contains shea butter, cocoa butter and sesame oil to help keep hands soft and moisturised. And thanks to the added essential oils, it has a light lovely natural scent, which does linger for a while. RRP: $29.95 (90g).

Burt's Bees Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Crème
This hand cream is slightly thicker than the Shea Butter Hand Cream, but not as thick as the Hand Salve. The concentrated cream takes a little bit to absorb into the skin, but once it has, you can feel the goodness of the ingredients immediately. It contains among others beeswax, almond milk, and glycerin to soothe and relieve dry and cracked hands. Thanks to the almond milk, it has a really strong and sweet scent of almonds, which some may find a little sickening, but personally I think it is quite lovely. It comes in a super cute old style glass jar. RRP: $19.95 (57g)


Burt’s Bees products are available for purchase from David Jones, Myer, Priceline, Target, Selected Pharmacies and from Burt’s Bees Online

So there you have it, a selection of Time-tested Burt’s Bees Classics! If you haven’t already tried these products, I highly recommend that you do!
* Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you ever tried any of the products from Burt’s Bees? Any you are keen on trying? Or maybe you’ve tried others you can recommend?


  1. The set of these items are packaged so nicely! I love the cuticle butter :)

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

    1. Yeah, its packaged amazingly, isn't it! I love the cuticle butter too!

  2. I love the culticle butter & foot cream isn't that bad either :) But hand salve was just whatever to me because the packaging is stupid for a "hand cream" . And I didn't like the smell of Beeswax hand cream :S


    1. The cuticle but is definitely my favourite, followed by the lip balms!

  3. What an amazing packaging, I totally dig it :)! And of course I love Burt's Bees, every single product that I've tried so far was great :).


    1. Yeah, the packaging is just fantastic isn't it, I just love how much effort has been put into it!


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