8 June 2013

Product Review: Eleven Give Me Clean Hair Dry Shampoo

I cannot deny that I much prefer to wash my hair with real shampoo and conditioner. But in saying that, sometimes, when you are in a rush, and have maybe hit the snooze button on the alarm clock once too many times, it is handy having a bottle of dry shampoo on standby. Here are my thoughts on the Eleven Give Me Clean Hair Dry Shampoo;

What They Say:                
"A quick-fix spray to remove oil & refresh hair without water."

RPP: $22.95 (130g) – Available from Eleven Australia Online

What I Say:

I recently tried the Eleven Australia Miracle Hair Treatment, which was the first product I ever tried from the Eleven brand. But I really loved it, so naturally I had big expectations for the Dry Shampoo as well.

In case you haven’t heard of Eleven before, it is ad Australian brand, and the products are also made here in Australia. The company has been started leading haircare distributor Ozdare, and the products developed with Creative Directors, Joey Scandizzo, three times Australian Hairdresser of the Year, and Andrew O’Toole, esteemed hair and fashion photographer in Australia and the UK. Their main goal is to create a fresh, uncomplicated and affordable solution to haircare products, made from high performance ingredients, but without the excessive price tag - “healthy, beautiful hair has never been so simple and affordable.” Sound pretty good, if you ask me!

It took me a long time to get used to dry shampoos, hey, realise that even existed. But then a few years ago I had shoulder surgery, and knew that it would be a little trick for me to wash and comb my long hair, and a friend recommended that I try the dry shampoo to at least be able to stretch the time between washing it properly. And I haven’t looked back since, and now only wash hair every second day, saving me some much needed time in the mornings or when I am in a hurry.

The Eleven Dry Shampoo claims to remove oil and refresh the hair without water, and it really does help take away any greasy look around the hairline in just seconds, and I am actually, that way able to skip another hair wash now and again (how handy will that be when I’ve given birth to our little boy in just a few weeks, and not doubt will have to cut my time spent in the bathroom down dramatically!!)

The bottle just needs a quick shake, before it is sprayed onto hair from a distance of about 25cm away from the hair. And as with all other dry shampoos, I decided to leave it in for a few minutes to fully absorb any excess grease, before working it through with my hands. And the hair is instantly both looking and smelling cleaner.

As with all other dry shampoos I have tried, it does leave the hair with a bit of a matte and dull look, but in saying that, it is far from as bad and doesn’t leave behind as much white residue as others I’ve tried. And it keeps the grease at bay until the next day when I wash it, as well as it also helps give my hair a little bit of much needed volume.

The Eleven Dry Shampoo has a floral and slightly coconutty scent, which is quite subtle, yet it does stay behind in the hair so you can tend to smell it all day, which I don’t mind, as it is so subtle, although I would prefer if it did not smell of coconuts as it is not one of my preferred scents.

The Eleven Dry Shampoo, comes in a nice looking white spray can, with simple orange writing. It is a simple, yet very stylish and modern looking spray can, which is also very easy to use.

The can is not particularly big (but neither are most of the other dry shampoos I’ve tried), but I actually found it to be more concentrated, and needed to use less to get the result I wanted, so in that way, I do find the price tag of $22.95 quite reasonable for a product of such high quality.  
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you ever heard of Eleven Australia?  Do you use dry shampoo? Which one is your favourite?



  1. This seems like such a great product :D I am a sucker for dry shampoo and use it on a daily basis to help give my hair umph and volume :)

    Just stumbled across your blog through the #bbloggers hop and thought i'd pass through and say hi :)

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. It really is a fantastic product, such a lifesaver when you're short of time!!
      And thanks for visiting my blog, I'll make sure to visit yours too!

  2. I love dry shampoos, but i agree I prefer the real deal, i just dont always have time!

    Aesthetic Lounge

    1. I'm the same, much prefer a real shampoo, but the dry ones are just so handy to have at hand when you're in a hurry!


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