21 June 2013

Going MIA – at the hospital…

As I write this, I am almost 36 weeks pregnant. As those who follow my blog would probably know, I do post a new blog post at least once per day – but I have realised that there will very soon come a time where I will be going to hospital for an expected four to five days to finally meet our little boy, and well, when we come home, I am sure I will have a few other priorities, at least for a while until we get settled into our new routine with our little boy.

So, I will over the next weeks, try to pre-prepare as many blog posts as I possibly can, so that I can at least keep posting a blog post every few days, and not go completely MIA.

So this all means that by the time you read this and some of my subsequent posts, I will probably already be in hospital, (and hopefully our little boy has arrived safely!).

But please continue to comment on my posts and send me emails, and I endeavour to reply to all as soon as I can, but please do bear with me, if I do take a little longer than usual!

I’m hopeful that I will be able to return posting regular posts soon again – but until then, thanks as always for supporting my blog!


  1. Best of luck with everything in the upcoming weeks. :) hope the birth goes/went well for you all.

  2. I found you on the Brightside. Following :). Please follow back.


  3. Congratulations Ms. Karina! I hope your baby will arrive safely! Take care! :)


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