18 June 2013

Event: Crabtree & Evelyn Opening of new Flagship Store, the Block Arcade, Melbourne

It was a typical cold, wet and rainy Melbourne evening, when Crabtree & Evelyn had the official launch party for the opening for their new store flagship in the Block Arcade, Melbourne. Yet that didn’t stop all the invited guests from staying away. Myself included. How could I miss it? I mean, who doesn’t love the iconic Crabtree & Evelyn hand creams? I for one am addicted.

Crabtree & Evelyn was founded in 1972, and has since evolved from a small, family-run business – specializing in fine soaps from around the world – to an international company, well known and respected for its original fragrances, luxurious toiletries, gourmet foods - and gifts for those who enjoy a sophisticated lifestyle. Today Crabtree & Evelyn is available in more than 65 countries, with over 200 wholly owned branded retail stores and available in 24 stores and online in Australia! Pretty impressive, isn’t it!
Lots of people at the opening..
The new flagship store was officially opened by
Crabtree & Evelyn Global CEO Julien Laporte..
For those of you not from Melbourne and not familiar with the Block Arcade, it is the most gorgeous of shopping arcades. When it was opened in 1892 – yes, that’s right, in 1892!!!, in the heart of Melbourne it was known as one of the finest shopping arcades with its tiled mosaic floors and large glass domed roof. Today the arcade has retained its Victorian elegance and is as elegant as ever.

The beautiful Crabtree & Evelyn store features heritage elements from the magnificently hand-painted ceiling dated back to 1907, and antique furniture.

As the Australian flagship store, the Block Arcade will feature new product launches and special offers also known to other Crabtree & Evelyn stores, but will also showcase limited edition products and host special events.

Being almost 39 weeks pregnant and due to give birth any day, I had my husband in tow as my chaperone, just in case our little bub should decide to arrive that night – but sadly there no pictures of him, rather he was acting as my photographer for the night.

The lovely Anthea, from Crabtree & Evelyn (left),
 and 39-week pregnant me (right)
As a gift from Crabtree & Evelyn, I was lucky to receive a little gift pack containing thee of their amazing hand creams, and let me tell you, they all smell divine… I’ve already put one in my hospital bag, which can hopefully cheer me up a little amongst all the chemically smelling hospital grade disinfectant!

And then there was also the cutest little box with a delicate looking shortbread with Crabtree & Evelyn crabtree logo in icing on top… Hubby quickly laid claim to that one as his chaperone fee for the night, and it was apparently very delicious!


But as if the gifted hand creams weren’t enough….remember a few months ago, when in my Mother’s day gift ideas post, I showed you a gorgeous collection containing twelve different Crabtree & Evelyn hand creams? Well, a similar pack was available for purchase for the reduced just $48, which I just couldn’t resist.. 

I’m yet to test all the different scents, but I know it will be a touch call saying which one is my favourite, as they all smell so fantastic! If you are lucky, and you hurry, you might be able to pick up one too in one of their stores, or through their online store.

Thanks again Crabtree & Evelyn for inviting me along to your event, it was truly a special night!

Do you use any Crabtree & Evelyn products? Which one is your favourite? And have you ever tried any of the amazing hand creams? Which scent do you prefer?



  1. Thank you for this exclusive sharing!
    Very beautiful post!
    The place is so historic , socute...
    I liked to learn.

    1. Thanks so much Helena. It is an amazing store, so I highly recommend that you visit the store if you have the chance!

  2. what a beautiful place ! gorgeous shopping arcade.
    greetings from vienna.

    1. It is a beautiful arcade, well worth a visit if you should ever come to Australia!!


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