10 October 2012

Design Rave: It's a Hoptimist

I love design objects, and in particular modern and quirky design. Often I fall for the simplistic designs Scandinavian designs, so every year when I go back to Europe; I usually tend to bring back a few new treasures.
This trip was no different. Well it was. You see, I had one of these when I was a little girl….over three decades ago! And I loved it, but the somehow I lost it. So when I saw that they were in fact being made again, I was very excited, I just had to have one. Well two, as one on its own would get rather lonely...
The cheerful, sweet Hoptimists were originally designed by Danish Hans Gustav Ehrenreich (1917-1984) in 1968. In keeping with the spirit of the day, his figures were characterised by their bright colours and rounded shapes.The Hoptimists were originally produced from 1968-1974, and in 2009, the world-famous Hoptimists were relaunced, and the fact that they are now available again, to me makes them true design classics. 
I cannot believe that I did not see them three years ago! And yes, they are world-famous, because they are sold all over the world (see below), and well, even Australia's very own Kylie Minogue has one:
The Hoptimists were designed to make people smile. Most smiles start with another smile. Hoptimists smile at you and wait for your response: maybe a smile, perhaps a teensy nudge to bring the figure to live. They respond by bouncing up and down, powered by surplus energy.


Bimle is the girl with the squinting eyes, while Bumle is the boy with the big eyes and the little antenna on the top of his head.
My Hoptimists are on the coffee table, and each time one of the dogs passes wagging their tails, the Hoptimists start bouncing a little, and they always manage to make me smile back.
The Hoptimists are available for purchase online, and yes, they ship to Australia as well!
Have you ever seen a Hoptimist before?
Do you have design favourite in your house that always brings a smile to your face?



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